Monday, January 10, 2011

Mascara Review - Silky Girl Blackest Black Lash Prism

I bought this during a one for one promotion, hence each is like S$6. I swear by Maybelline Unstoppable, and usually do not change brands, as one mascara lasts me months even though I use it daily. However I decided to try this out, as I read in other forums that this makes lashes grow. Moreover I liked the mascara wand, as it looks similiar to my VOV mascara (which I love).

My needs:
Dramatic yet natural (ie impactful but discreet), Lengthen, Volumnises, stays well on my oily face, does not flake, does not give me spider lashes, does not droop during the day (I do not use eyelash curler).

Special request:
I go gym after work, hence I cannot use tubing mascaras. Because once I shower, the tubes end up on my face. I also need a relatively waterproof mascara that is easy to remove and yet stays on well enough.

- Is a relatively wet mascara, and yet not too wet that it smudges before you apply finish. Due to the wet finish, it gives a nice even coating to each lash, and does not make the lash look brittle. However due to the wet texture, it can clump up your lashes. Hence I always spend time removing excess mascaras with a tissue, or ''draining'' the excess over the mascara opening.

- Adds volume and length. Mascara adheres well and evenly on each hair, hence giving volume.

- So cheap, better than Rhomlon, and just a tad lousier than Maybelline Unstoppable. Unstoppable gives more volume.

- Soft lashes, that do not droop.

- Relatively waterproof. I will not want a super waterproof mascara (e.g. Fasio), because they can be very hard to remove and hence harmful to the lash itself.

Cons :
- I find Maybelline unstoppable easier to use. Could be due to the brush. This mascara does not grab the lashes at the outer corners of your eyes. Hence you cannot make do with just one quick swipe. You need to angle the brush differently for the lashes at the corners of your eyes, where you use the tip of the wand to apply instead. If not, you will end up with unevenly mascared lashes for those lashes at the corner.

- Compared to maybelline unstoppable, you will more likely get unevenly applied

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