Monday, January 10, 2011

Hair Product Review - Revlon Color Stay Hair Dye

The Story
I used hair dye back in my schooling days, but once I went to work-force, I was too lazy to dye. I tried Loreal and Revlon. Revlon suits me better, as the color gets absorbed by my hair and love the fact that it is amonia free. Once I reached 30, I noticed white hair :(. Had to cover them hoo.

The Price
$9.90 during sales at Watson. Sometimes Revlon has a promotion, where you get a lippie free with each hair dye. Totally worth the money.  If you go to those cheapish dollar shops at Clementi e.g. Value Mart/ Japan Home etc, you can get them at a lower price ranging from $7-$8. Save!

The Product
- Ammonia free. Ammonia is usually a main ingredient in hair dyes, and is used to bleach the hair color so that the dye will sink into the hair. Prolonged use, means white hair. (according to what I read). Hence I insist on ammonia free, and in Singapore, it seems this dye is the only Ammonia free range (other than Henna, which I feel is very drying for my hair).
- Color sinks in. This depends on individual, but this hair dye works for me and my dad's grey hair.
- Cheap

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